What We Believe

Does God exist?
If so, what is he like?

Is there a heaven and hell? If so, how can I get to heaven when I die?

These are big questions. And we need reliable answers. We at Grace Baptist Church believe that the answers can be found in the Bible. If you want to know more, read on. And do feel free to contact us with your questions.

  • There is one true eternal living God who is three co-equal persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • God created all things, both seen and unseen, for His own purpose and glory.
  • God created male and female uniquely in His own likeness for His glory, without sin. He made them to worship Him and enjoy a relationship with Him.
  • Jesus Christ the Son took on human nature and was born of the virgin Mary, lived a perfect life, died, was buried, rose bodily from death on the third day, and ascended to heaven, where He is now seated at the right hand of God the Father.
  • The Holy Spirit applies the work of redemption to a person: He brings them to new birth and enables them to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus. He lives in the believer and indwells the church.

  • We can know God through the Holy Scriptures. These comprise the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments.
  • The Scriptures are divinely inspired and free from error in the original autographs.
  • The Scriptures reveal to us God’s plan of salvation and are our final authority in all matters of life and practice.

  • Adam and Eve sinned by wilfully disobeying God. As a result, sin has corrupted every part of human nature.
  • For this reason, all people live in hostility towards God, separated from Him, and are by their own effort unable to regain a relationship with Him. This results in physical and spiritual death. After death all people will face the judgement of God.

  • We are saved only by the finished work of Christ: He died on the cross at Calvary in the place of His people as a perfect sacrifice for sin, thereby paying the full penalty for their sins.
  • To anyone who turns from sin and puts their trust in Christ alone, God forgives all their sins, reckons the righteousness from God to their account, and declares them to be in a right relationship with Himself.
  • God gives them new life in the Spirit and adopts them into His family.
  • God chose His people in Christ before the creation of the world, and freely offers forgiveness of sins and new life in Christ to all people.

  • The Holy Spirit enables God’s people to stand firm in their faith and to trust in Christ to the end, even though at times they may succumb to temptation.
  • The Holy Spirit assures God’s people of their eternal salvation.
  • God’s people are never entirely free from sin in this life, but the Holy Spirit continues to make them more and more like Christ.
  • By the power of the Holy Spirit, God’s people are to lead holy lives by continually turning from sin, putting to death sinful desires and producing the fruit of the Spirit.

  • Jesus Christ will return personally, visibly and gloriously to this earth, to bring this present age to an end and to bring in a new heavens and new earth. The time of His return is unknown to any but God himself.
  • At His return all people who have died will be raised, then Jesus Christ, the righteous judge, will judge them together with those still alive at His coming.
  • Those who have not believed in Christ will be condemned to punishment forever in Hell, separated from Him.
  • Those who have believed in Christ will live with Him forever, sharing in His inheritance in Heaven.

  • The Church is the people of God. It is described as the fellowship of believers and the Body of Christ, who is the head of the Church.
  • There is one Universal Church consisting of all God’s people, which is expressed in the form of local churches.
  • God’s people in a local church meet together regularly for worship, prayer and observing the Lord’s Supper. They proclaim the gospel, making Christ known and urging all people to repent and believe in Him.
  • Members of a local church should encourage one another in faith and good works, using the spiritual gifts that God has given to them. The local church should be characterised by humility and brotherly love, where members seek each other’s well-being and bear one another’s burdens.
  • A local church should be served by suitably gifted Elders. They are responsible for the ministry of God’s Word, pastoral care, evangelism, discipline and equipping members for service.
  • A local church should also be served by Deacons who are responsible for the administration of business and practical matters.

  • On profession of their faith, a believer is baptised by immersion as a public declaration of repentance and faith. Baptism signifies the washing away of sins and union with Christ in his death, burial, resurrection, glorification and risen life.
  • In the Lord’s Supper believers belonging to a local church together remember the sacrificial death of the Lord Jesus Christ as symbolised in the bread and wine, and as an expression of the unity of the church as the one body of Christ. We do this until Christ returns.

  • We are to live carefully so that through our lives we may declare to others the gospel of Christ.
  • We are to live in obedience to civil authorities, except in matters that are directly in contradiction to God’s will as revealed in the Bible.
  • We are to live prayerfully remembering to pray for those in authority.

  • Marriage is between one man and one woman for life.
  • They are to live as equals created by God in His own image.
  • The husband is to love his wife as Christ loves the church, providing for and protecting his family.
  • The husband is to lead his family in humility and godliness.
  • The wife is to submit herself graciously to the leadership of her husband, as the church willingly submits to the headship of Christ.